- スタンフォード大学滞在記(『数学セミナー』2020年4月号)
- 《好き》のかたちをアップデートしてゆくこと(『数学セミナー』2021年5月号)
See my osaka-u.ac.jp website for information on mathematical research and education at Osaka University. Besides them, I have also created the following.
- A private Japanese translation of G. H. Hardy's A Mathematician's Apology (in Japanese)
- Some statistics on recent Ph.D.s in mathematics in Japan (in Japanese)
I wrote the following articles intended for general public.
- Stanford daigaku taizaiki, Sugaku Seminar, April 2020
- “Suki” no katachi wo update shite yuku koto, Sugaku Seminar, May 2021)